A blog about travel, good books, and living life as an experiment.

Food and Wine Festival at Busch Gardens

Food and Wine Festival Banner

In this post, I’ll be writing about my experience going to the Food and Wine Festival at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida.

How It Works

If you’ve never been to the Food and Wine Festival at Busch Gardens, the way it works is that there are a bunch of different stands which each have a few options for food and alcoholic beverages. The food is typically a sample size of an international dish, as well as desserts.

Keep in mind, when I say sample size, I don’t mean something tiny for a child. I actually ended up sharing most of the portions with someone in the group!

The cost of everything is a bit pricey, but when you think about it, it’s kind of worth it. To get into the amusement park—and have access to all the rollercoasters and rides—it costs us about USD 70. However, for the food, you could either purchase things individually (which is definitely not cost-effective) or you could buy a package of 10 or 15 samples. 

We purchased the 15-sample package which set us back about USD 95. Considering each sample was $11 – $14, it definitely made sense to go with the package.

Also, while this isn’t nearly as important as the price factor, you get a cool lanyard when you purchase the package that could be used as a souvenir. Every time you go to a stand and use one of your 10 or 15 samples, the employee punches a hole in the card so you know how many samples you had left.

All of our lanyards by the end of the day!
All of our lanyards by the end of the day!

Food and Wine Blew My Mind

The 2023 Food and Wine Festival blew my mind! I had never been before, but it was a lot more than I was expecting. 

From Morocco to India to Italy, they had some of the best cuisines from all around the world! One minute I was eating grape leaves—first time, by the way!—and the next minute I was eating samosa with an amazing red sauce. It was such a cool opportunity to expand your palate and knowledge of what the world has to offer.

Greek Isles Stand

As the name of the festival implies, they also had some really good wines available. I tried a red Bordeaux that was amazing, as well as a lovely Vinho Verde Alvarinho from Portugal and a refreshingly crisp Miraval Cotes de Provence Rose.

To say I walked out of there completely stuffed (and tipsy) would be an understatement!

Eating Mindfully

One of the other reasons why I had such a good time at the festival was because I was eating mindfully.

Instead of rushing from stand to stand and just checking each off, I took my time with the food and thought about the flavors, textures, and smells. I think back to those grape leaves and how refreshing and vibrant they were. Or the couscous (another first for me!), and how it felt like I was eating a hot, buttery, creamy version of Dipping Dots.

We even engaged one another in our senses and asked each other what we all thought of as we were tasting and drinking the food and beverages. 

Something I want to replicate in my life

This mindful eating is something I want to replicate in life.

Lately, I’ve been trying to slow down and appreciate every moment for what it is; whether it’s walking the dog and noticing a tree I’ve never seen before, or watching the beauty of a bird flying through the wind. 

I’ve noticed this has made me happier and I can attribute a lot of it to a book I read not long ago: Do Nothing by Celeste Headlee. She inspired me to savor the moments in front of me because I’ll never get that exact moment back.

This isn’t always easy. The responsibilities of being a Ph.D. student combined with my job, along with also trying to be a good partner and grandson don’t always make me feel as if I could slow down.

Yet—as I try to take away life lessons from the simplest of experiences—the Food and Wine Festival at Busch Gardens served as evidence that being intentional about enjoying the moment generally contributes to me feeling more happy and fulfilled. 

In what ways have you slowed down recently? How has this made you feel? Share in the comments below!

Till Next Time Travel Friends!

Meet Jovan

Sintra Castle

Hi, my name is Jovan. I’m a Doctoral student who’s pursuing a PhD in Higher Education. I’m also an avid traveler and striving to do it full-time! Some of the things I’m most passionate about are immersing myself in different cultures, reading, and helping others lead the lives they want to live. Thanks for visiting!