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The Art of Airbnb Negotiation: Unlocking the Perfect Stay

Successful Airbnb negotiation

“If I knew then what I know now” goes the old adage.

This phrase is all too accurate in the case what I now know about negotiating the price of an Airbnb. Had I known early in my travels that you can negotiate Airbnb prices, a lot would have been different. I likely would have stayed in certain places longer and perhaps visited different countries.

Luckily, with the wealth of information there is on this beautiful thing called the internet, I learned not too long ago that, yes, you can negotiate on Airbnb. Since then, my travels have completely changed.

Which is exactly why I have put together an easy-to-read, step-by-step, comprehensive guide to explain how you can negotiate your Airbnb price. In this post, you will find detailed instructions for how to negotiate on Airbnb, important things to consider, and real-life examples to ultimately master the art of negotiating on Airbnb.

Now, prepare yourself to unlock the perfect stay at a fraction of the cost.

Let’s jump right in!

Tips for Negotiating on Airbnb

Below you will find the top 7 tips for negotiating on Airbnb. For each tip, I provide a brief backdrop about why it’s important and why you’ll want to keep it in mind as you’re negotiating. I also share relevant examples that you can use when communicating with hosts.

By implementing aspects of each of these examples in your communication with Airbnb hosts, you will significantly increase your chances of receiving a discounted rate. But remember, it is not guaranteed that hosts will give you a discount. In the event you are rejected, express your gratitude for their consideration (more on this below) and try negotiating another listing.

Get Personal

Attempting to establish some sort of personal connection with potential hosts is a crucial first step in the negotiation process. You’ll want to introduce yourself warmly and tell the host a bit about your travel plans. While it’s not absolutely necessary, a brief mention of the purpose of your visit—whether it’s an escape from the city or celebratory occasion—will go a long way as the host will have more context.

Example: “Hi [Host’s Name], I’m [Your Name] from [where you currently live]! Me and my husband are planning an upcoming trip to [Host’s city] to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. This will be a very special trip for us as [host’s city] is where we met almost 25 years ago and haven’t been back since.”

Be Specific

To increase your chances of negotiating the best Airbnb price, you’ll want to be really specific about any interests you have and how the host’s property reflects those interests. It’s also important that you try to highlight specific features that you noticed when viewing the listing. Both of these things will show the host that you’re not simply looking to score the best deal, but actually have a genuine interest in their property. Hosts prefer the latter guest over the former as the latter will likely care for the property much more.

Example: “One of the main reasons why I would love to stay at your property is its proximity to so many unique hiking trails. Hiking is one of my biggest passions and staying at your property will allow me the opportunity to enjoy the trails all day! I also really love your charming patio and artistic touches on the furniture and in the den area.”

Be Honest

Honesty really is the best policy. You’ll want to be honest with your host about why you’re seeking a lower rate. Perhaps you love the listing but it is just above your budget. Or maybe you’re a student doing research in the area but your stipend only goes so far. Whatever the reason, be upfront with your host. While it is never guaranteed that they will offer you a lower rate, being honest will likely increase your chances. In the event that you’re able to book it at the regular cost and just looking to save extra coins, be candid with your host about wanting to save money.

Example: “Staying at your place looks like it’ll be one of the most memorable places I’ve ever stayed in. While I am very excited about the opportunity to do so, it is slight above my budget.”

Example: “In addition to the lovely touches inside of the apartment, the location is perfect, as I’m a PhD student who will be doing research in the nearby mountainous area. Unfortunately, the cost of the listing is a little bit above my PhD stipend.”

Timing is Everything

Timing really is everything when it comes to whether you can successfully negotiate your Airbnb price.

When it comes to timing, you can go about it in a couple different ways. First, you can try to negotiate—and book—well in advance. This shows the host you are planning ahead and are serious about booking. Hosts also appreciate guests who plan ahead and you are likely to gain an advantage in the negotiation process as a result. In addition, booking early means you can access automatic early-bird discounts set up by hosts.

The other way you can approach timing is by waiting until very close to your travel dates to capitalize on what could possibly be vacant nights. In other words, if you wait until a week out from the day you plan to check-in, for instance, your host is more inclined to give you a discounted rate because they rather someone stay in the property, as opposed to letting it sit empty.

In all honesty, this is the approach that tends to be the most effective. Most hosts don’t want their property empty and are happy to receive something over nothing. Where it gets even more interesting is waiting until the very last minute—as much as 72 or even 24 hours. Just when a host thinks they’ll be “losing money”, you come in and ask for a 25% discount, for example.

Example: “I noticed that your listing is still available for the days I was interested in next week. Would it be possible to receive a discounted rate to ensure the property is not vacant for those dates?”

A very similar approach is messaging a host a few weeks in advance and proposing a specific discount if their listing is still empty a certain number of days away from when you plan to stay at the property. It’s important that you let the the host know you are serious about booking and plan to book at a previously agreed on day and time.

Example: “I absolutely love your property—from the unique curtains to the cozy den area. However, it is slightly out of my budget. Would it be possible to receive a discounted rate of 25% if the listing is not booked by [specific date and time]? In the event that it is not booked, I will book with the discounted rate right away.”

Be Realistic

We all want to score the best deals we can possibly get when negotiating Airbnbs. But as you’re engaging in negotiations, it is crucial to respect the value of the property. If similar properties in the area are listing for $300/night, it is unrealistic and potentially offensive to ask the host to stay for $50/night, especially if you’re only staying for one or two nights.

Example: “Considering the wonderful amenities and amazing location of your property, I believe [Your Offer] would be a fair and reasonable rate for my stay of 6 days. This slight discount allows me the chance to stay in your lovely house, while ensuring the rate remains reasonable.”

Be Flexible

One of the best ways to successfully negotiate your Airbnb price is by being as flexible as possible, both with your travel dates and what you’re willing to offer in exchange for a discounted rate. For instance, you could offer to adjust your check-in or check-out times to whatever works best with the host. Offering to stay a night or two longer in exchange for a discounted rate is another option at your disposal.

Example: “As a token of my appreciation for your consideration of a discounted rate, I am more than happy to adjust my check-in and check-out times to better suit your preferences.”

You might also offer to clean the apartment extensively prior to checking-out. If you have any special skills, such as photography, you could ask the host to take professional photos for her listing in exchange for a discounted rate. Any type of following on social media might also help, as you can offer to promote the property.

Example: “Thank you so much for your consideration. In response, I am happy to clean the apartment and wash all of the linens to ensure the property is ready for the next guest.”

Express Gratitude, Even When Your Offer is Rejected

Remember, hosts are in no way obligated to meet your request for a discounted rate. As such, you want to show them you are appreciative for their time and consideration. Aside from just being a decent human being, expressing this sense of gratitude will go a long way with hosts. Even if they are not able to offer you a discount for this stay, they might offer you one for other dates.

Example: “Thank you very much for considering my offer. I understand that it does not align with your current pricing, and I appreciate your transparency. If any changes arise, please let me know as I would be happy to discuss my stay again.”

Side Note: Longer is Better When Negotiating your Airbnb Price

Increasing the length of your stay is the best thing you can do to successfully negotiate your Airbnb price. You’ll have much more leverage staying for one month, as opposed to a few days, for instance.

Many hosts already have discounts for monthly stays, but don’t hesitate to ask for more of a discount using the the tips and examples provided above. Most hosts are inclined to offer an additional discount because they much rather have someone staying their long-term to reduce the number of times they have to hire someone to clean and to give themselves a more stable income.

Keep in mind, you’ll receive the largest discounts, by far, when staying over one month. I’m talking about 30%-50% of the nightly rate! This is especially good for digital nomads and slow-travelers who want to spend an extended period of time in a city.


If it’s not apparent by now, negotiating your Airbnb price really is an art. Mastering it will be a complete game-changer in your travels, just as it has been in mine.

By being specific about the listing, honest about why you want a discount, and realistic with your offer, you’ll be setting yourself up for a successful Airbnb negotiation. Remember to be flexible and offer things in return, as well. In the event your request is rejected, be gracious about it—you never know what the host might surprise you with. Above all, staying longer is key to getting the best discount.

Now let’s see you put these things into action! Let me know in the comments below what amazing deals you’ve scored by negotiating your Airbnb.

‘Till Next Time, Travel Friends!

Meet Jovan

Sintra Castle

Hi, my name is Jovan. I’m a Doctoral student who’s pursuing a PhD in Higher Education. I’m also an avid traveler and striving to do it full-time! Some of the things I’m most passionate about are immersing myself in different cultures, reading, and helping others lead the lives they want to live. Thanks for visiting!