A blog about travel, good books, and living life as an experiment.

Back from Lisbon

Lisbon to Miami route

Hello, Travel Friends! As always, I hope you all are out there doing well out there wherever you are.

This is the first post after my trip to Portugal and I have to say, it took a few days getting back into the rhythm at home. I was only gone for like 9 days but it’s insane how I sort of experienced a low-grade culture shock coming back home. It was nothing like returning from studying abroad back in college but I definitely felt a weird feeling being back home and going to Target, for instance. I was thinking, “What is this place and why is everything so big?!”

Post-Trip Reflections

Reflecting over the last few days has me thinking about why I experienced that feeling after only being gone for such a short amount of time. Surely, there has to be something more there: why else would I feel that way? I’m thinking it could be just searching for more and not feeling wholly comfortable where I’m at.

I’m sure part of it was dreading to get back to daily life here: working, writing dissertation stuff, responsibilities at home, etc. But I also think there’s something more to it.

Have you ever felt such a visceral connection to a place? A feeling that is so intense, one that you know you’ll never forget? I don’t know if I felt that about Portugal, specifically, but I feel that way towards Southern Europe in general. Italy, Spain, Portugal—there’s so many similarities each place shares. From the language rooted in Latin, to those beautiful, narrow cobblestone streets, and don’t even get me started on the food!

Walking around Lisbon and experiencing all those things, while thinking back to my experiences in Italy and Spain was just such a special feeling, and something I want more of.

I know, I know, when I’m out there for an extended period of time, it won’t always feel that way. Understanding this, I’m intentionally trying to make sure that I’m realistic and not romanticizing anything, but I can’t help but listen to my feelings. I think ignoring the feelings that arise when I’m in those places would be like ripping away a part of me. I’m not being dramatic either. 

It’s amazing how a place can make you feel such a way; how years down the road revisiting the place can bring up so many memories and feelings; how even thinking about the place makes you smile. Indeed, I have a smile on my face right now.

Listen to Your Feelings

What would it be like for all of us to listen to that feeling inside of us? To not ignore our emotions, even when what they represent sounds like a ludicrous idea to everyone you speak to? Scary? Yeah, I’m sure… but after the fear subsides, what’s waiting for us on the other side? I doubt it’s anything that hurts us or puts us in a worse position than we were in before, even if whatever that thing was that we chased didn’t “work”. 

I want to be someone who listens to those feelings. Who takes a chance even when it may seem insane. Who doesn’t go back home just because he feels like he has to make others happy

Will I live in Portugal? Not sure. What’s more important, though, is that I’m making the necessary moves in life to not limit those special feelings to 1-2 times a year. Whatever this means, I’m committing myself to make it happen. 

And on that note, I ask you all: What are those feelings for you? And how do you make it so that you can experience them more often?

I know what the answers to those questions are for me…

Till Next Time Travel Friends!

Meet Jovan

Sintra Castle

Hi, my name is Jovan. I’m a Doctoral student who’s pursuing a PhD in Higher Education. I’m also an avid traveler and striving to do it full-time! Some of the things I’m most passionate about are immersing myself in different cultures, reading, and helping others lead the lives they want to live. Thanks for visiting!