A blog about travel, good books, and living life as an experiment.

The Power of Enjoying the Present Journey

Hello, Travel Friends!

So happy to be writing to you again today! I was originally going to continue with what I wrote about during the last post, but I just finished a conversation that really impacted me and my thoughts about travel, and I want to share because I think it might help some of you who are feeling similar emotions.

Just to give everyone some background information: Lately I’ve been feeling pretty sad. I dont think I’m experiencing depression, but I have been down and not sleeping all-that-great. I’ve been trying to reflect and think about what it might be and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s probably the fact that I’m not full-time traveling, yet. I see bloggers and YouTube and read blogs about travel and I just want it to be me so bad. I’m tried of working a job that I really do not like and feeling like I’m settling in life and not living it to the fullest. Given my setup with the PhD program, the earliest I’ll be able to leave is early May, and really, that’s not far away but I don’t know, I’ve just been sad…

Anyways, the conversation I had was not directly related to travel but it made me think of my current feelings around wanting to start my full-time travels now. The person was talking about “the process”. Whatever that process is, he was saying to enjoy it, as this will lead up to whatever it is that you desire. I found it really insightful because the process—while not always amazing, like my job—is what’s going to get me to where I want to be. I need to stay at my job for the time being, I need to propose my dissertation, and my lease doesn’t finish till then. 

Rather than look at it as all these negative things, I ought to embrace them because they’re all part of the journey that’s going to get me to where I ultimately want to be (Hello, Spain!). 

Another thing the person said that really stuck with me is to manifest it as if you already have it. He was saying to think about it as something that you have; something that you spiritually have as you get closer to materially possessing it. I thought this made a lot of sense. And, in turret, I do have travel right now. I’m going to Portugal for 8 days next week, heading to Houston and Georgia next month and then going to Mexico for the first time in April. These are all things that I can experience on the journey.

I just want everyone to take a second and think about what you already have, and what you’re working toward. Are you in a similar position where you’re going to start long-term travels soon? Are you getting closer to defending your dissertation? These are the journeys; if we didn’t have these journeys, there would be no end result. 

I know, it’s hard to think about things like this when you know you’re not as happy as you can be. But I think there’s power in doing so. If we can embrace the journey and manifest things that we want spiritually, wouldn’t this make us happier? It seems to me like it would. 

My vow for this week and the next 6 months, honestly, is to remind myself of this. I know it wont always be easy but I owe it to myself to try. The only other alternative is to not try and practically guarantee my sadness for the time being. 

It goes back to a concept I come across on all the travel podcasts and videos I watch: be present! Whether you’re home or on the road, find ways to be present and actively engage your surroundings. Do this as much as you can and before you know it you’ll be saying, “wow, time flew”. For me, that’ll be in Valencia. Where will it be for you?

Till next time, Travel Friends!

Meet Jovan

Sintra Castle

Hi, my name is Jovan. I’m a Doctoral student who’s pursuing a PhD in Higher Education. I’m also an avid traveler and striving to do it full-time! Some of the things I’m most passionate about are immersing myself in different cultures, reading, and helping others lead the lives they want to live. Thanks for visiting!